In today’s competitive and dynamic market, strategic partnerships play a key role in the success of each organization. It enables companies to focus on its own strength and harness the expertise of partners to grow its presence in the market.

We endeavor to work with companies and entrepreneurs focused on establishing alliances and have an upcoming product portfolio.

We have also invested in Research Labs and companies across the world for Co-developing formulations with high market potential.

RAYA Pharmaceuticals works with partners at different levels of collaboration. We believe strategic partnership can achieve great success and bring innovation to our industry.

Business Opportunities

  • To acquire ANDA's
  • To partner with ANDA holders
  • Products Generic & Value-added Vitamins in Pvt label
  • Value added medical devices
  • To partner with R & D labs to develop niche topical products

We work on following business models

  • In licensing
  • Private labeling
  • Product development & Contract manufacturing
  • Co-development
  • Marketing partners products